SOP for GWAS Fecal Collection and DNA Extraction for Downstream Sequencing Applications
Denville Posi-Click Tubes 1.5ml 500pk C2170
Quick-DNA Fecal/Soil MiniPrep Kit 50pk D6010
Protocol for Feces Collection:
Collect fresh feces – this must be directly from the animal. Dried feces from the night before, or in the cage will not yield good DNA for sequencing.
Take approximately two small piece of fresh feces by gently holding the rat by the tail with the front paws on a cart and bounce the animal so the hind legs come gently off the cart – this will make the animal defecate in 30sec-1min.
Place the fresh feces into a marked tube and immediately put in powdered dry ice until it can be transferred to the -80 where it will be stored.
Protocol for DNA Preparation:
Add up to 150mg fecal sample to ZR Bashing Bead Lysis Tube
Add 750ul Lysis Solution to the tube
Secure in a bead Beater fitted with 2ml holder assembly and process at max speed for 5 min.
Centrifuge for 10K for 1min
Transfer 400ul Supernatant to Zymo Spin IV Filter in a collection tube and centrifuge for 7K rpm
Add 1.2ml Fecal DNA Binding Buffer to the filtrate in the collection Tube
Transfer 800ul of mixture from step 6 to Zymo-Spin IIC column in a new collection tube and centrifuge at 10K for 1min.
Discard flow-though from step 7 and repeat.
Add 200ul DNA Pre-wash Buffer to the Zymo-Spin IIC column in a new collection tube and centrifuge at 10K for 1 min.
Add 500ul Fecal DNA Wash Buffer to the Zymo-spin IIC column and centrifuge at 10K for 1 min.
Transfer Zymo-Spin IIC column to a clean 1.7ml centrifuge tube (Denville Posi click) and add 100ul DNA Elution Buffer directly to column. Centrifuge at 10K for 30 seconds.
Transfer eluted DNA from step 10 to prepared Zymo-spin IV HRC filter - into a clean 1.7ml centrifuge tube and centrifuge exactly 8,000g for 1 min.
The filtered DNA is now suitable for PCR and downstream applications.